Sunday, May 1, 2011

What is Metro Ethernet?

Ethernet is picking up its boom not for the speed but the ability to transport various technologies. Ethernet is one of the disruptive innovations of the era. Earlier Ethernet is used only to connect home based computer to access the internetwork; but now a days it is used as WAN solution. The advantage of using it as WAN not only to provide the speed in single port but to save lot of money in terms of provisioning and infrastructure.
Ethernet is now evolving from LAN Ethernet to Metro Ethernet. Every business user would like to adopt the Ethernet as last mile/first mile because of its low cost and high advantages. So from Business User perspective what actually he demands from SP to get that link which is MEF certified.
Definition of Carrier Ethernet from Business User Perspective “A ubiquitous service defined by the five attributes named as Standardized Services, Scalability, Reliability, Service Management and Quality of Service. “
a) Standardized Services:- EVC (Ethernet Virtual Connection) is defined as service container which connects two to more user networks. It prevents data communication between the sites which are not part of same EVC. Further EVC is divided into three types:-
•Eline (Point to Point Services)
•Elan (Multipoint to Multipoint)
•Etree (Routed Multipoint)
b) Scalability:- Easily upgradable.
c) Reliability:- In case of failure of links, minimum time to converge.
d) Quality Of Service:- Define QOS for SLA (Service Level Aggrements)
e) Service Management:- Standard OAM

Definition of Metro Ethernet from SP point of view “A set of network elements that connects to transport Ethernet services fo all users locally or globally.”

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Anonymous said...

good to know Metro Ethernet! Thanks.
I've been studying for CCIE SP since this year. I think I need to come here everyday :) Anyway, which books is your favorite for MPLS?

shivlu jain said...

thanks nick for your comment. I am following various rfcs, books and open forums like cisco.

Buy Phones said...

I think it will prove to be really Favorable For the people who Are Attached With the field of internet!

Anonymous said...


In your post you had written as "Routed "

•Etree (Routed Multipoint)

But it is not "Routed Multipoint" it is Rooted Multipoint means HUB & SPOKE topology.

Please correct it !!


Axel said...

The basic reason that Ethernet has been so successful is that it works, is ubiquitous, and most critically, is adaptable. This in turn leads to Ethernet and variations on it being by far the cheapest practical way to solve data communications problems.
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